Thursday, June 19, 2008

The things I've been meaning to blog about.........

We've been busy taking advantage of summertime opportunities before the baby comes. We're at a rare stage in life. Our family consists of 7 children under 14yo and NONE IN DIAPERS! This makes us fairly mobile. There is no one screaming on little road trips because they can't understand why they are strapped in a carseat instead of being held in my arms. Everyone can change their own clothes and walk next to me in the store. So we've been on the go and when we come home it is to sleep and catch up on chores. Good thing someone else is blogging about us. Check out Leon and Aliou's 1 year anniversary post by my mom here. And my due-date status here.

1 comment:

Hummingbirder said...

Congratulations on the upcoming baby. We'll be keeping you in prayer. Thanks for sharing the photos. You look great! Deanna