Thursday, February 5, 2009

Small Sucesses 3

This is my first time participating in Small Successes. Check out all the other successes Faith & Family Live.

1. I successfully diverted what could have been a major freak-out when one of my adopted sons nearly knocked out a tooth. Through the blood (which he was sure was a sign approaching death) and tears I cheerfully explained how the tooth was going to be coming out soon anyway and that meant the Tooth Angel would be coming all the sooner. Eventually he asked if we could e-mail a picture of it to the orphanage director "Grandma Patty" whom he lovingly remembers. He went to bed with a smile. Phew!

2. I prepared a homeschool learning record for 5 of my learners to present at a meeting tomorrow. Phew!

3. I did those things today in addition to the usual 3 meals and 3 snacks and all the other bare essentials that go with 8 kids 14 and under without calling a sick day (to my husband who was running around putting out fires) even though I wanted to be in bed. Thank you God for big kids who are learning to do SO MUCH!

1 comment:

winterizing said...

You are AMAZING dear daughter and this is not just a prejudiced mother speaking. I applaud your successes and see them as LARGE not small.
I love you!!!