Monday, January 24, 2011

Learning a New Language


 Thank you Ann Voskamp for these language lessons.  Were you speaking of me when you wrote "Long, I am woman who speaks but one language, the language of the fall - discontentment and self-condemnation, the critical eye and the never satisfied."?  I have heard the need for gratitude whispered in the confessional, laying the foundation for this awakening:

#21 shoes piled around the door - evidence of 8 healthy walking children each with two legs
#22 The Litany of Humility
#23 Elizabeth Foss - if I were stranded on a desert isle with only one blog I would choose hers
#24 homemade cream-top yogurt (a new experience as a recovering vegan)
#25 family all around - through the woods, up the mountain, down toward the valley, and across
#26 our technology angel who visits us several times per year and is able to solve almost any problem
#27 my husband acting like an 8th grader again with that technology angel
#28 The dear Ennis Family with whom I like to plan arranged marriages between loads of laundry and dinner prep.
#29 children recovering from illness and thriving again
#30 a dear Godparent and mentor who makes it possible for my daughters to attend the West Coast Walk for Life
#31 a room cleaned by some one other than me
#32 "Even though we ain't got money, I'm so in love with you honey...."
#33 an 8 year old cook
#34 many short attention spans plus aging memories - a school of patience
#35 little girls mass-producing paper crafts
#36 baby snuggling first-born
#37 a baby sleeping in my bed for a while longer
#38 biggest daughter showing littlest daughter what I once showed her
#39 wood heat
#40 tree silhouettes at dawn and dusk
#41 my children surpassing me in so many ways
#42 having just enough
#43 coconut oil for inside and out
#44 my book arrived!
#45 good doctor/patient relationships developing - who could ever replace Dr. Borgquist?

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