Friday, October 12, 2007

A dying breed

I read in a recent National Geographic Magazine that red heads will be just about extinct by the year 2100. Normally it takes a red headed couple to pass on the gene according to the article. That wasn't the case with our resident red head above and his brother. Their hair showed up out of no where. I'm especially fond of this red head. He came with brownish red eyes as well and he can even get a tan! I'll bet THIS type of red head is even more rare.

One of my favorite replies when some one asks about the number of children we have is that we are "trying for a red head." But according National Geographic our chances are slim and the chance of it turning up in grandchildren is even slimmer.

Now hopefully my darling wont make me remove the picture above. He really doesn't own anything pink and had just thrown on his mother's sweater on a cool evening at the cabin. It was the best picture of his hair I could find to go with my newfound knowledge.

1 comment:

molly said...

I like your comment about trying for a red head! I think i will steal that from you! the sweater!!!LOL!!