Monday, January 31, 2011

Unwrapping Gifts

Gifts I have recently unwrapped:

#46 toddler napping in the fetal position
#47 self-awareness in my children - expressed
#48 a dear friend and mentor whose influence is still with me daily though she has moved away
#49 the delicate tops of young Douglas Fir trees yet to be split by harsh weather - as seen from the chairlift
#50 family parties
#51 home grown lettuce
#52 grandparents who are retired teachers who have invested YEARS in our homeschooling efforts
#53 a really clean kitchen sink
#54 clear kid lungs - breaths that you can't hear
#55 opportunities for big kids that don't require much driving
#56 Ordinary Time
#57 six year old's dialog
#58 hockey for almost all the kids, free equipment, barter for the cost, totally into it coach and no weekend commitments
#59 skiing the last run with one of the birthday boys
#60 my tomboy
#61 beginning readers reading to me while I work
#62 I absolutely LOVE being a homemaker - can't think of anything more fullfilling
#63 parents that have loved me unconditionally - I'm only gradually starting to wrap my mind around such love
#64 a quiet house
#65 a loud house

1 comment:

jenny said...

funny, my friend, whom i work through long distance bible studies with, suggested we read this book together. now i'm even more curious! thanks for sharing:)